Copyright 1984-1998 FileMaker, Inc. HBAM2016AUG95 Pro 3.0 HBAM3016AUG95@ barney eddie helen jethro marsha maynard wally bodine brady cleaver haskell krebbs richards taylor crump married separated single 115898A 115898 crestview driveA 1219F maple driveF 1225D mendlebright laneE mount pilot roadD 2326H central avenueH 2342G mockingbird laneG elmwood courtC 3922B longpreB avenueH centralH courtC crestviewA driveA elmwoodC laneE longpreB mapleF mendlebrightE mockingbirdG mountD pilotD roadD beverlyA beverly hillsA hillsA mayberry mayfield minneapolis northridge springfield beaverF ehaskellF ehaskell beaver fifeE super maynard5197G maynard5197 pseudonm pseudonm ^TJ99JJOJ59"59J9J9" "UT]d!9f\fi\fi $HTk]]S ]l\bbNU 8 Suite Apartment CityB StateB Zip CodeB X^US Zip Codes require five digits or Zip+4 should be entered as: #####-#### Allow entry anyway? "USA" % = "USA" ) = 5 ) = 10) Home PhoneB XdOnly enter the number. Select formatting options from the Setup Preferences. Click Yes to override. "(") ")") "-") ".") " ") XdOnly enter the number. Select formatting options from the Setup Preferences. Click Yes to override. "(") ")") "-") ".") " ") EmailB XHEmail addresses contain "@" and usually end with: ".com" or ".net" etc, "@") 4) = ".com" 4) = ".net" 4) = ".org" 4) = ".edu" 4) = ".gov" OccupationB Spouse NameB ChildrenB XVDo not use the Return Key. Use commas or spaces to separate the names of the children. Class OfB Institution\Family NameB Alumni PhotoB Event GraphicB NotesB Event VenueB Event DateB Letter SentB Materials SentB Fees ReceivedB Price SingleB Venue Location Venue PhoneB !A Full NameB & " " & ) & " " & Referred byB Event NumberB X"Enter a year number for the event. Mark ContactB CountryB = "None" Committee NameB Committee AddressB Committee PhoneB Committee FaxB Committee ChairpersonB Committee EMail AddressB XHEmail addresses contain "@" and usually end with: ".com" or ".net" etc, "@") 4) = ".com" 4) = ".net" 4) = ".org" 4) = ".edu" 4) = ".gov" Committee Web Page URLB XLThe URL should begin with "http://" or "www." Do you want to proceed anyway? "http://") "https://") "www.") http://G https://G www.G Event Thomas Bros GuideB Event TimeB Reunion TypeB X5You must select from the reunion type pull down menu! Attending FunctionB Attending NumberB Interests\CommentB X)You are limited to a maximum of 50 words. Last Name SortB & " (" & & ")") Response StatusB Pending Last Name MaidenB " (" & ( ) & ") " & Committee MemberB Price CoupleB Year GraduatedB Years MarriedB >A Venue FaxB Event TitleB 3 = "High School" & " High School" & " & "Class of " & ) & " "Reunion" # & " Year Reunion") 3 = "University" 3 = "College" " Alumni" & " & "Class of " & ) & " "Reunion" # & " Year Reunion") 3 = "Family" "The " & &" Family" & " " & "Reunion" # & " Year Reunion") 3 = "Company" & " Employees" & " "Reunion" # & " Year Reunion") 3 = "Group" "Reunion" # & " Year Reunion") "Select Reunion Type"))))) Budget Item DescriptionB Budget Item CostsB Budget TotalB Attendance TotalB CurrentFound CountB Years Married TextB ="Married" = "Married" & " " & = & " Years" Married Married Years CurrentScriptB Total RecordsB PasswordB CurrentSortStatusB High School High School Class of Reunion Year Reunion University College Alumni Class of Reunion Year Reunion Family Family Reunion Year Reunion Company Employees Reunion Year Reunion Group Reunion Year Reunion Select Reunion Type22222 LastName LetterB Letter TextB Days RemainingB Web Page URLB XLThe URL should begin with "http://" or "www." Do you want to proceed anyway? "http://") "https://") "www.") http://G https://G www.G Paid StatusB L = "Not Received" "Unpaid" Not Received Unpaid Unpaid Amount ReceivedB Total ReceivedB Full Line Address ) = 0 "Not Sorted" ) = 1 "Sorted " & ) = 2 "Semi Sorted " & ""))) Not Sorted Sorted Semi Sorted & " " & &", " & & " " & & " " & & " " & Work PhoneB XdOnly enter the number. Select formatting options from the Setup Preferences. Click Yes to override. "(") ")") "-") ".") " ") Select Primary PhoneB "HM" ""))) XTPlease select a primary phone number even if there is no home or work phone entered. Primary PhoneB T = "HM" ? & " (Hm)" @ & " (Wk)") (Hm) (Wk) Letter Followup B Search ModeB Registration StatusB H = "RP27653" "Registered" " Not Registered") RP27653 Registered Not Registered2 Layout NumberB Current List LayoutB Reg FirstNameB Reg LastNameB Reg CompanyNameB Reg Address 1B Reg Address 2B Reg CityB Reg STB Reg ZipB cA Reg PhoneB dA Reg EmailB X8Make sure your email uses an "@" as part of the address! "@") Letter Text 2B Letter Select FieldB Selected LetterB CurrentSortNameB Closing DateB Closing TimeB Budget Item VendorB Budget Item Vendor PhoneB Current Vendor PhoneB oA File NameB Password StatusB H = "RP27653" "Correct Password" "Enter Password" H= "Demo" "Enter Password" "Incorrect Password!"))) RP27653 Correct Password Enter Password Enter Password Incorrect Password!222 Date EnteredB Current RecordB Notes StatusB "No Notes" "Has Notes!") No Notes Has Notes!2 GraphicsB Notes PictB ModifiedB xA Bank NameB Bank AddressB Bank PhoneB Bank Contact NameB Bank Account NumberB Bank Account PINB AQ"Interests & Comments: " & 6)) & " of 50 Words Max" Interests & Comments: of 50 Words Max Billboard MessageB Valid AddressB "No" "Yes") Valid EmailB "Yes" "No") CurrentPlatformB ) = 1 "Macintosh" "Windows") Macintosh Windows2 CurrentSystemB "System " & System CurrentLayout NumberB PriPhone HM GrfxB T = "HM" PriPhone WK GrfxB T = "WK" Program AmtB Program CHKB A Media AmtB Media SelectB Shipping ChargesB "N/A" U = "USA" "USA" Salestax RateB SubTotal EnclosedB = "X" = "X" "X" Total EnclosedB Salestax AmtB a = "CA" U = "USA") = "X" "N/A") Platform ChoiceB X#Select either Macintosh or Windows. Survey InfoB Program VersionB File StatsB "For " & "The Ultimate Solution For Reunion Management!" & " "RP27653" "This program contains a password which can only be provided by Minutiae Software." & " "") & H = "RP27653" "Registered To" & " [ & " " & \ & " "") & "RP27653" "Registration Code" & " H) & " "Operating System" & " & " OS " & ) & " Status LineB ! & ": " & r &" of " & D & " in Current Found Set (" & I & ")" in Current Found Set ( Booklet DetailsB "Marital Information") E & " "") & "Marital Information") "Spouse or Guest: " & "") & "Marital Information") "Children: " & "") & "Occupation") "Occupation: " & "") & "Interests & Comments") "Interests & Comments: " & "Application Version" & " ) & " "Last Modified" & " j) & ", " & j) &" " & j) & ", " & j) & " k) < 1 k) > 12 k) - 12) &":" & k) < 10 ("0" & k)) &" " & k) < 12 "AM" "PM") & " & "Total Records ) & " "Default Country" & " "Language" & " 7 & " "Letters Page Setup" & " # & " "Envelope" & " $ & " "Postal Format" & " % & " "Current Printer ) & " "Monitor Resolution" & " ) & " x " & ) & " "File Size " & ) / 1024) & " kb "Developer Information:" & " E & " F & " "Email: " & " & "Web: " & H & " 1996-99 All Rights Reserved" & " "A special thanks to all the beta testers who help D^ed to make Reunion Planner the best and easiest reunion software program on the market." & " -The Ultimate Solution For Reunion Management! RP27653 QThis program contains a password which can only be provided by Minutiae Software. RP27653 Registered To RP27653 Registration Code Operating System Application Version Last Modified Total Records Default Country Language Letters Page Setup Envelope Postal Format Current Printer Monitor Resolution File Size Developer Information: Email: Web: 1996-99 All Rights Reserved A special thanks to all the beta testers who helped to make Reunion Planner the best and easiest reunion software program on the market. Booklet AddressB % = "US Postal" ") & ") & & ", ") & & " ") & &" ") % = "European" ") & ") & & ", ") & &" ") & & " ")) & "Country") US Postal European CountryG Print OptionsB Default CountryB Current Error NumberB Marital InformationG Marital InformationG Spouse or Guest: Marital InformationG Children: OccupationG Occupation: Interests & CommentsG Interests & Comments: Badge GraphicB " = "Automatic" " = "Photo" " = "Event Graphic" " = "None" Automatic Photo Event Graphic Badge OptionsB Page Setup LetterB Page Setup EnvelopeB Postal FormatB Address CaptionB % & " Format" & " Example" Format Example Address FormattedB Current Record CountB D & " of " & G & " " Records" Records List PictsB Select List PictB Z = "Main List" Z = "Checklist" Z = "2 Column" Z = "3 Column" Main List Checklist 2 Column 3 Column Page Setup DisplayB Print DisplayB Default LayoutB Platform GraphicB ) = 1 % = "US Postal" ") & ") & & ", ") & & " ") & &" ") & % = "European" ") & ") & & ", ") & &" ") & & " ") & US Postal European Current LanguageB List Fill ColorB 9 = "Marked Records" $ = "Yes" 9 = "Confirmed" 8 = "Confirmed" 9 = "Committee Members" : = "Yes" Marked Records Confirmed Confirmed Committee Members List Hilite OptionsB :A Edit GrfxB g = "Questionnaire" Questionnaire Booklet PhonesB Booklet InternetB "Internet Info") "Email: " & "Web: " & "Internet Info") "Email: " & "Internet Info") "Web: " & Internet InfoG Email: Web: Internet InfoG Email: Internet InfoG Web: Phone FormatsB Hm Phone FormattedB "Phone Numbers") "Hm: " & "Phone Numbers") "Wk: " & "Phone Numbers") "Fax: " & "Phone Numbers") "Hm: " & ? & " "Wk: " & "Phone Numbers") "Wk: " & @ & " " & "Fax: " & "Phone Numbers") "Hm: " & ? & " "Fax: " & "Phone Numbers") "Hm: " & ? & " " & "Wk: " & @ & " " & "Fax: " & Phone NumbersG Phone NumbersG Phone NumbersG Fax: Phone NumbersG Phone NumbersG Fax: Phone NumbersG Fax: Phone NumbersG Fax: Wk Phone FormattedB > = "None" > = "##-####-####" S) =10 2) & "-" & 4) & "-" & > = "(###) ###-####" S) =10 "(" & 3) & ") " & 3) & "-" & > = "###-###-####" S) =10 3) & "-" & 3) & "-" & > = "###.###.####" S) =10 3) & "." & > = "None" > = "##-####-####" ) =10 2) & "-" & 4) & "-" & > = "(###) ###-####" ) =10 "(" & 3) & ") " & 3) & "-" & > = "###-###-####" ) =10 3) & "-" & 3) & "-" & > = "###.###.####" ) =10 3) & "." & ) & "." & > = "### ###-####" ) =10 3) & " " & 3) & "-" & > = "### ### ####" ) =10 3) & " " & 3) & " " & > = "#### ######" ) =10 4) & " " & ) = 6 3) & "-" & ) = 7 3) & "-" & ) = 8 "(" & 2) & ") " & 2) & "." & 2) & "." & ) = 9 "(" & 2) & ") " & 3) & "." & ) =11 2) & "." & 2) & "." & 3) & "." & "Error!") ##-####-#### (###) ###-#### ###-###-#### ###.###.#### ### ###-#### ### ### #### #### ###### Error! 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Return AddressB & & " "Chairperson") Chairperson: " & "") & "Phone & Fax") "Ph: " & , & " "Fax: " & "Phone & Fax") "Ph: " & "Phone & Fax") "Fax: " & -) & "Internet Info") / & " "Internet Info") "Internet Info") ) & "." & > = "### ###-####" ) =10 3) & " " & 3) & "-" & > = "### ### ####" ) =10 3) & " " & 3) & " " & > = "#### ######" ) =10 4) & " " & ) = 6 3) & "-" & ) = 7 3) & "-" & ) = 8 "(" & 2) & ") " & 2) & "." & 2) & "." & ) = 9 "(" & 2) & ") " & 3) & "." & ) =11 2) & "." & 2) & "." & 3) & "." & "Error!") ##-####-#### (###) ###-#### ###-###-#### ###.###.#### ### ###-#### ### ### #### #### ###### Error! Return Address OptionsB Developer NameB Developer AddressB Developer EmailB Developer URLB Developer Info CalcB E & " F & " G & " Payment MethodB CCard NumberB X-Enter your credit card number with no spaces! " ") Expiration Date [MO]B CreditInfoCalcB ChairpersonG Chairperson: Phone & FaxG Fax: Phone & FaxG Phone & FaxG Fax: Internet InfoG Internet InfoG Internet InfoG RP_LogoB Expiration Date [YR]B X4Enter the 4 digit year of expiration from 1999-2040. Expiration Date [Calc]B M & "/" & Email_ToB A)"(" & & " " & & ")" &" " & LinkB Reg CountryB VA Help_ICONB ) = 1 11)) "Order Date:" &" " & )) & " "SOLD TO" & " [ & " " & \ & " ] & " "") & ^ & " _ & " "") & ` & ", " & a & " " & b & " " & U & " "PH: " & c & " "EM: " & d & " "Program: " & "Platform: " & "Referred By: " & "ITEMS ORDERED" & " = "X" "Password: $" & 2) & " "") & "Media: " & "Shipping and Handling: $" & 2) & " "") & "CA Sales Tax: $" & "") & " "BILLING INFO" & " "Amount Charged: $" & 2) & " "Payment Method: " & K & " "Card Number: " & L & " "Expiration Date: " & Q & " "DEMO INFO" &" "Application Version" & " ) & " "SYSTEM INFO" &" "Operating System: " & ) = 1 "Macintosh " "Windows ") & ) & " "Monitor: " & ) & " x " & ) & " "Current Printer: " & ) & " "****** END ******" Order Date: SOLD TO Program: Platform: Referred By: ITEMS ORDERED Password: $ Media: Shipping and Handling: $ CA Sales Tax: $ BILLING INFO Amount Charged: $ Payment Method: Card Number: Expiration Date: DEMO INFO Application Version SYSTEM INFO Operating System: Macintosh Windows 2 Monitor: Current Printer: ****** END ****** R 1987-1989S HuxleyU Holiday InnX 8/26/2000] 75^3Grand Ballroom 10232 Memory Lane Anytown, IL 84469_ (555) 555-4785c 10f!Huxley College Alumni Associationh"820 Main Street Anytown, IL 84469l (555) 555-1234m (555) 555-1235n Quincy Waggstaffo qwaggstaff@huxley.edup www.huxleycollege.eduq Page 567 (C-3)r 19:30s College{ (555) 555-6748 Entertainment Location Fees Caterer Mailings Printing Photographer Outside Help Decorations Security Misc Expense Misc Expense Print Envelopes ENTER FIRST LETTER TEXT HERE Ut wisi enim ad minim wesm, quis nostrud execi taton ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex. Duis autem vel eum irure en dolor in hendrerit vupute vel velit esse molestie conseqat sequat, vel illum dolore ven eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan naet iusto odio dignissim qui vel blandit. Praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis do te feugait nulla facilisi. Ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh e uismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Z Main List Well it's that time again. No, not Howdy Doody time, although some of you might remember Buffalo Bob. It's time to make fools of ourselves and try to convince our friends that we haven't really changed all that much. Yes, it was a whole year ago, and just when you thought it was safe to put away the "Grecian Formula", along comes the old Huxley College reunion. This year promises to be even better that before. We had such a great response from last year, that we have increased the size o f our meeting facility and have added a live band. So don't miss out. Send in the questionnaire that we are including, and get on board! The deadline for payments is August 31st. We're also expecting a very special mystery guest. Guess who it is and you can win a new walking cane! First Letter By Name 4/30/99 11:13:17 REUNION.FP3 Anytown Fidelity Bank y(500 South Main Street Anytown, IL 84469 (555) 555-2234 Horace Pinkerton 098-6578937 29.95 .0825 Macintosh Reunion Planner 4.1.3 WCountry Phone Numbers Internet Info Marital Information Occupation Interests & Comments " Automatic US Letter 8.5 x 11 US No. 10 Envelope % US Postal English Marked Records ###-###-#### Phone & Fax Minutiae Software F72330 Lyric Avenue, Suite 100 Los Angeles, CA 90027-4657 A DirectoryB Splash Screen LRG About ... LRG Directory LRG Exit Screen LRG Preferences LRG Print Central LRG Imp/Exp LRG Budget LRG General Find LRG Administration LRG Event Info LRG @4A Web Links Web Links [LRG] HomeB pseudonmG lumpyF CURRENTSCRIPT MATERIALS SENT SUBTOTAL ENCLOSED First Name D Last NameF Maiden NameH Salutation Marital StatusN Street AddressP Suite/AptR City, St ZipX Home PhoneZ Occupation` Spouse Nameb Children Letter Sentt Materials Referred By Country, Email First Name M Last Name Salutation Maiden Name Marital Status Spouse Name Children Occupation Referred By Street Address f Suite/Apt City, St Zip Home Phone Country, Email Find All Find All Letter Materials Persons Attending Persons Attending Response Status Response Status Committee Member Committee Member Class of Yrs Married Yrs Married List View List View "To Place Photo Select Camera Delete Delete Print Central Print Central Amount Received Class of Work Phone Work Phone Primary Phone Primary Phone Mark Record Followup Letter Followup Letter ABEJ>> Current Record in Found Set Photo Photo Event Info Event Info Current Record in Found Set Total Records Total Records Amount Received Mark Record Created Modified Created Modified ABHO>> Spelling Spelling Paid Status Paid Status Will Attend Will Attend A Main ListB Budget Budget } List View ~ List View Print Central Print Central About About Directory Directory Preferences Import/Export Import/Export Order Form Register Order Form Register Administration Administration Preferences Event Information Event Information Web Links Web Links 5160 LabelsB ABCB>> ACIACI>> First LetterB A Full NameB CityC Zip CodeK Primary PhoneM Attndl Findm Findw Paidx Full Namey Cityz Primary Phone Zip Code Attnd I Mark Un-Mark v Directory w Directory About About z Confirmed { Confirmed Find Email Find Email ACIABL>> << ABEH>> Total Mark Un-Mark Event Info Event Info Find All Find All Scroll Up Scroll Down Scroll Up Scroll Down Printing Printing BudgetB ACIAEC>>M*// ABCB>> ACIACI>> Dear << ABAB>>:O.Sincerely, ABCO>> Committee Chairperson^ First Letter_ First Letter` Spell Checka Spell Checkb Select Textc Select Textd Go Backe Go Back Print CentralB TOTAL ATTENDING *A(<< ABDP>> ABBH>> ABBO>> ABBI>> TOTAL Receivedp TOTAL Budgetq TOTAL ATTENDINGr TOTAL Receiveds TOTAL Budgetx Item Descriptiony Amountz Phone #{ Vendor Budget Budget Print Budget Print Budget Print BudgetB N EnvelopesO CorrespondenceP Phone ListsQ LabelsR BudgetS Address Book^ Envelopes_ Correspondence` Phone Listsa Labelsb Budgetc Address Book Print Central Print Central O List View P List View Q Directory R Directory About About Budget Budget Prefs Prefs Welcome to Print Central Click the icon from the items listed below. 1. Correspondence 2. Address Book 3. Budget 4. Labels 5. Phone Lists 6. Envelopes EnvelopeB ACIAEC>>B ABCB>> ACIACI>> Items ListB Item DescriptionF Amount ABDP>> BUDGET REPORT Printed // Reunion Planner AEBUDGET TOTALS Total Budgeted: << ABEC>> Total Received: << ABFB>> VendorS Phone Total Attending: << ABED>> Photo BookletB AGPrinting << ACIACE>> Currently << ABEE>> of << ABEH>> persons ABEJ>> AGPrinting << ACIACE>> Currently << ABEE>> of << ABEH>> persons ABEJ>> Continueb Continue Splash ScreenB ABBI>> ABBH>> ABBO>> Produced by ABCG>> ABDP>>^ << ABDP>> ABDH>>, << ABAB>> ACIABN>> ACIADM>> ACIADN>> ACIABM>> LabelsB ACIAEF>> ACIAEG>> ACIAEI>> 1996-99 All Rights Reserved Last Modified ABGK>> ABGL>> Proceedc Noticed Proceede Notice ACIABH>> For << ACIAAD>>j ACIABH>> For << ACIAAD>> 5163 LabelsB ABCB>> ACIACI>> General FindB 5160N 5164O 5390 BadgeP 5163Q 5164S 5390 BadgeT You will only be able to print entire sheets of labels! Make sure you have selected the person or persons you wish to print before you print these labels. Sort the found set in the order you choose, and have the proper labels loaded in the printer tray. A)There are currently ACIACK>> ABEJ>> Avery Labels} Avery Labels About About Budget Budget C Directory D Directory E List View F List View Printing Printing Sort Options Sort Options Zip Code Zip Code Address Address 2 ColumnB A/Reunion Planner Printed // [<< ABEJ>>] Page ## Marital StatusR City^ Occupationr Lettert Materials Country Marital Status Occupation Country w Materials Will Attend Will Attend Response Status Response Status Committee Member Committee Member State Zip Code FIRST, LAST or MAIDEN NAME State Zip Code FIRST, LAST or MAIDEN NAME Marked Marked "Type or select the information you wish to find. You may use multiple find criteria. Use New Request to locate info such as CA and OR . You can also be very specific by using the Symbol options to the left. To omit the found set, select the Omit check box. When finished click ... Continue Class of Followup Followup Email Email Street Address Street Address Referred By Referred By New Request New Request Valid Address Valid Address Valid Email Valid Email Letter Class of Paid Status Paid Status ABDP>> ABBI>> 8A+<< ABCB>> << ABFF>> ABAO>> ACIACI>> union Print ListB 3 ColumnB A.Reunion Planner Printed // [<< ABEJ>>] Page ## A Full NameB CityC Zip CodeK Primary Phone A/Reunion Planner Printed // [<< ABEJ>>] Page ## @@.O Attending ABDP>> ABBI>> Total Persons Attendingw Total Amount Paid ABDP>> ABBI>> 8A << ABCB>> ABFF>> ACIACI>> College List OptionsB A ChecklistB Currently ACIACK>> ABEJ>> 2 Columne 3 Columnf 2 Columng 3 Columnk Checklistl Checklistm Main Listn Main Listy Namez Address{ Zip Code Address Zip Code Sort Options Sort Options List Options List Options Print Lists Print Lists ABFK>> US Letter 8.5 x 11 About About Budget Budget { Directory | Directory } List View ~ List View Printing Printing Print Print A Follow UpB A/Reunion Planner Printed // [<< ABEJ>>] Page ## ABDP>> ABBI>> NameV CityW Countryd Attende Paymentf ABDH>>, << ABAB>> Letter OptionsB Go BackK Go BackM*// ABCB>> ACIACI>> Dear << ABAB>>:O.Sincerely, ABCO>> Committee ChairpersonQ Spell CheckW Select TextX Follow Up LetterY Select TextZ Spell Check[ Follow Up Letter\ ACIAEC>>^ Save As_ Save As` Importa Import 5164 LabelsB ABCB>> ACIACI>>D ACIAEC>> First Letter Follow-Up Follow-Up First Letter A!Current Set ACIACK>> ABEJ>> Print Print Correspondence Correspondence About About Budget Budget Directory Directory List View List View Printing Printing ABGH>> ACIACD>> Click To Select ABCB>> ACIACI>> ACIACF>> Format Setup Setup Questionnaire Questionnaire Imp/ExpB Order FormB A4Current Set ABEE>> of << ABEH>> Records ABEJ>> Sort Options[ Sort Optionsf Find Alli Delete Allk Find Alln Delete Allv Import Recordsw Export Emailx Export Recordsy Export Letter Merge{ Import Records| Export Email} Export Records~ Export Letter Merge Find Marked Find Marked Backup Backup Zip Code Zip Code Address Address Import/Export Import/Export About About Budget Budget y Directory z Directory { List View | List View Printing Printing Clean Phones Clean Phones A DeveloperB Reunion Planner is the ultimate tool in planning and coordinating your family, college, high school or company reunion. It features a complete address book, integrated mail merge, budget planner, mailing labels, name badges and much, much more! At the low price of only << ACIAAJ>>, it can save hours of labor and headaches. Both MacOS and Windows versions are available. Reunion Planner is password protected, but you can try this working demo for free! The demo is restricted to a maximum of K ten records. If you find you can t do without Reunion Planner, fill out the registration form and mail it along with payment to the address below. Upon receipt, you will be sent the password to unlock the program. The password will be sent via email (if possible) or standard mail, usually within five days of receipt of payment. FIRST NAMER LASTS COMPANYT ADDRESSU SUITE/APTV CITY ST ZIPW COUNTRYX EMAIL\ Printed //] About^ About Unlocking Codef Homeg Homei Registerj Registerk Printl Print AMOUNT TOTAL Order Form Please Specify Which Platform MACINTOSH Macintosh 680xx or Power PC System 7.1 or later 4MB available memory (8MB for Power Macintosh) 14" monitor (Color or Greyscale 640x480 dpi) WINDOWS 486 or Faster Processor Windows 95/98/NT 4MB available memory (8MB for Pentium) 14" monitor (Color or Greyscale 640 x 480 dpi) MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ,How did you find out about Reunion Planner? ACIABH>> << ACIAAJ>> (Program Password) ACIAAM>> Shipping and Handling << ACIAAN>> CA Sales Tax << ACIABE>> (8.25% for California Residents) CuMinutiae Software 2330 Lyric Avenue, Suite 100 Los Angeles, CA 90027-4657 Toll Free: 1-877-MINUTIAE Fax: 323-913-2172 Credit Card Number Select Payment Method Email Email ExpIRATION ENTER INFORMATION SHOPPING CART Password Only CD ROM Floppies PHONE RegistrationB Date EnteredG GraphicsK PriPhone HM GrfxM PriPhone WK GrfxQ Program AmtS Program CHKU Media SelectW Media AmtY Shipping Charges[ Salestax Rate] SubTotal Enclosedc Total Enclosede Salestax Amtj List Pictsl List Fill Colorn Developer Namep Developer Addressr Developer Emailt Developer URLv Program Versionx Developer Info Calcz CreditInfoCalc{ Go Home NotesB FIRST NAMEL LASTM COMPANYN ADDRESSO SUITE/APTP CITY ST ZIPQ PHONER EMAILT Unlocking CodeX If you have the password, enter it here. If not, you can still use the program as a demo. However, you are limited to a maximum of ten records.Z REGISTRATION[ Unlocking Code\ REGISTRATION^ ENTER_ ENTERa COUNTRY AdministrationB Notes for << ABCB>>a Notes for << ABCB>>d Cleare Copyf Date Stampg Go Backh Cleari Copyj Date Stampk Go Backl Notesm Notesn Spell Checko Spell Checkp Print Notesq Print Notes Event InfoB COMMITTEE INFO Chairperson Committee Name\ Addressa Phonec EMail Addressl Chairpersonm Committee Nameo Addressp Phone EMail Address~ Web Page URL Web Page URL Address Address Bank Name Bank Name Contact Contact Bank Phone# Bank Phone# Bank Account# Account PIN Bank Account# Account PIN Event Info Event Info Administration Administration Bank INFORmation RETURN ADDRESS Formatted Return Address Formatted Return Address "Include the following information: "Include the following information: Clear Options Web Links Web Links Exit ScreenB Event VenueD Event DateH LocationJ Phone Event Venueh Event Datej Locationk Phone Reunion Type Event Time Event Time Thomas Bros Guide Thomas Bros Guide Reunion Type Couple Fee Couple Fee Institution or Family Name Class Of Year Number Class Of Days Remaining Days Remaining Import Event Graphic Import Event Graphic Single Fee Single Fee Year Number Admin Admin UGraphic should be approximately 1.5 inches TIF, EPS, BMP or PIC 150-300 dots per inch Event Info Event Info Institution or Family Name Web Links Web Links &A About ...B ACIABH>> For << ACIAAD>>k ACIABH>> For << ACIAAD>> ,Ae<< ACIAEF>> ACIAEG>> ACIAEI>> 1996-99 All Rights Reserved Last Modified ABGK>> ABGL>> PreferencesB 5390 BadgeB ABAB>> ABDH>> Address BookB Application Preferencesk Select Dictionariesl Spelling Optionsm Edit User Dictionaryn Application Preferenceso Select Dictionariesp Spelling Optionsq Edit User Dictionaryr Homes Homet Preferencesu Preferencesw Default Countryy Default Country} Letters @ Envelopes Letters B Envelopes Address Style Address Style Display Page Setup Display Page Setup Display Print Dialog Display Print Dialog Go To Layout Go To Layout When Launching When Printing Spelling & Dialing Correspondence Formatting ABCB>> ACIACI>> ABFF>> Printing Printing Page Setup Page Setup List View List View Highlight In List View Highlight In List View Phone Formats Phone Formats Select BookletB ABDH>>, << ABAB>> ACIABN>> ACIADM>> ACIADN>> ACIABM>> ABDP>> Address Book Notes PrintB 2A"Reunion Planner Printed // Page ## Address Booksu Address Booksv PHOTO BOOKLET @AMINSTRUCTIONS 1. Select the fields to print. 2. Next, click on desired layout. About About Budget Budget U Directory V Directory W List View X List View Printing Printing ADDRESS BOOK Reset Options Reset Options Notes for ABCB>>u ABCB>> Continued .... Name BadgesB -A A4 LetterB 1. Photo: Uses the photo in the directory. 2. Event Graphic: Uses the event graphic. 3. Automatic: Automatically selects a graphic. If the Photo field is empty, it uses the Event Graphic instead. 4. None: No graphic is printed allowing you to manually paste a photo on the badge. CHOOSE ONEx Name Badgesy Name Badges Labels Labels ACIACC>> LEGEND About About Budget Budget O Directory P Directory Q List View R List View Printing Printing Print Badges Print Badges amond Semibol A4 Follow UpB ACIAEC>>M*// ABCB>> ACIACI>> Dear << ABAB>>:O.Sincerely, ABCO>> Committee ChairpersonX First Letter] First Letter^ Spell Check_ Spell Check` Select Texta Select Textb Go Backc Go Back DL EnvelopeB ACIAEC>>B ABCB>> ACIACI>> QuestionnaireB ABCB>> ACIACI>> Dear << ABAB>>:O.Sincerely, ABCO>> Committee Chairperson\ ACIAEC>>] Follow Up Letter^ Follow Up Letter_ Spell Check` Spell Checka Select Textb Select Textc Exportd Exporte Importf Importg Go Backh Go Back 1A Survey A4B A`Questionnaire Help keep our records up to date! Please provide as much information as possible. First Name Last Name Maiden Street Address Suite/Apt City ST Postal Code Country New Address? Yes No Phone ( ) Fax ( ) Email Web Page Class Of Occupation Marital Status Children 1. 2. 3. 4. JCOther Names & Addresses You Could Provide? (Use back if necessary)K SingleL MarriedM SeparatedN DivorcedO Widow/WidowerP Engaged A+If married, how many years? Spouse Name R(Interests or Comments (50 words or less)T ACIAEC>>U Please PrintV More On Back[ Go Back\ Go Back Home LRGB A`Questionnaire Help keep our records up to date! Please provide as much information as possible. First Name Last Name Maiden Street Address Suite/Apt City ST Postal Code Country New Address? Yes No Phone ( ) Fax ( ) Email Web Page Class Of Occupation Marital Status Children 1. 2. 3. 4. JCOther Names & Addresses You Could Provide? (Use back if necessary)K SingleL MarriedM SeparatedN DivorcedO Widow/WidowerP Engaged A+If married, how many years? Spouse Name R(Interests or Comments (50 words or less)T ACIAEC>>U Please PrintV More On Back[ Go Back\ Go Back Splash Screen LRGB Budget Budget } List View ~ List View Print Central Print Central About About Directory Directory Preferences Import/Export Import/Export Order Form Register Order Form Register Administration Administration Preferences Event Information Event Information Web Links Web Links About ... LRGB Proceedh Proceedi Noticej Notice ACIABH>> For << ACIAAD>>p ACIABH>> For << ACIAAD>> 1Ae<< ACIAEF>> ACIAEG>> ACIAEI>> 1996-99 All Rights Reserved Last Modified ABGK>> ABGL>> Directory LRGB Exit Screen LRGB First Name D Last NameF Maiden NameH Salutation Marital StatusN Street AddressP Suite/AptR City, St ZipX Home Phone Occupation` Spouse Nameb Children Letter Sentt Materials Referred By Country, Email First Name M Last Name Salutation Maiden Name Marital Status Spouse Name Children Occupation Referred By Street Address f Suite/Apt City, St Zip Home Phone Country, Email Find All Find All Letter Materials Will Attend Persons Attending Will Attend Persons Attending Response Status Response Status Committee Member Committee Member Class of Yrs Married Yrs Married List View List View "To Place Photo Select Camera Delete Delete Print Central Print Central Paid Status Amount Received Paid Status Class of Work Phone Work Phone Primary Phone Primary Phone Mark Record Followup Letter Followup Letter ABEJ>> Current Record in Found Set Photo Photo Event Info Event Info Current Record in Found Set Total Records Total Records Amount Received Mark Record Created Modified Created Modified ABHO>> Spelling Spelling Preferences LRGB ACIABH>> For << ACIAAD>>m ACIABH>> For << ACIAAD>> .Ae<< ACIAEF>> ACIAEG>> ACIAEI>> 1996-99 All Rights Reserved Last Modified ABGK>> ABGL>> Print Central LRGB Application Preferencesk Select Dictionariesl Spelling Optionsm Edit User Dictionaryn Application Preferenceso Select Dictionariesp Spelling Optionsq Edit User Dictionaryr Homes Homet Preferencesu Preferencesw Default Country Default Country Letters @ Envelopes Letters B Envelopes Address Style Address Style Display Page Setup Display Page Setup Display Print Dialog Display Print Dialog Go To Layout Go To Layout When Launching When Printing Spelling & Dialing Correspondence Formatting ABCB>> ACIACI>> ABFF>> Printing Printing Page Setup Page Setup List View List View Highlight In List View Highlight In List View Phone Formats Phone Formats Imp/Exp LRGB N EnvelopesO CorrespondenceP Phone ListsQ LabelsR BudgetS Address Book^ Envelopes_ Correspondence` Phone Listsa Labelsb Budgetc Address Book Print Central Print Central O List View P List View Q Directory R Directory About About Budget Budget Prefs Prefs Welcome to Print Central Click the icon from the items listed below. 1. Correspondence 2. Address Book 3. Budget 4. Labels 5. Phone Lists 6. Envelopes Budget LRGB A4Current Set ABEE>> of << ABEH>> Records ABEJ>> Sort Options[ Sort Optionsf Find Alli Delete Allk Find Alln Delete Allv Import Recordsw Export Emailx Export Recordsy Export Letter Merge{ Import Records| Export Email} Export Records~ Export Letter Merge Find Marked Find Marked Backup Files Backup Files Zip Code Zip Code Address Address Import/Export Import/Export About About Budget Budget y Directory z Directory { List View | List View Printing Printing Clean Phones Clean Phones General Find LRGB TOTAL ATTENDING *A(<< ABDP>> ABBH>> ABBO>> ABBI>> TOTAL Receivedp TOTAL Budgetq TOTAL ATTENDINGr TOTAL Receiveds TOTAL Budgetx Item Descriptiony Amountz Phone #{ Vendor Budget Budget Print Budget Print Budget Administration LRGB "Type or select the information you wish to find. You may use multiple find criteria. Use New Request to locate info such as CA and OR . You can also be very specific by using the Symbol options to the left. To omit the found set, select the Omit check box. When finished click ... Continue Paid Status Paid Status New Request New Request FIRST, LAST or MAIDEN NAME FIRST, LAST or MAIDEN NAME Valid Address Valid Address Valid Email Valid Email Country Country State State Zip Code Zip Code Email Email Street Address Street Address Marital Status Marital Status Occupation Occupation Response Status Response Status Referred By Referred By Will Attend Will Attend Committee Member Committee Member Letter Letter ? Materials @ Materials Marked Marked Class of Class of Followup Followup Event Info LRGB COMMITTEE INFO Chairperson Committee Name\ Addressa Phonec EMail Addressl Chairpersonm Committee Nameo Addressp Phone EMail Address~ Web Page URL Web Page URL Address Address Bank Name Bank Name Contact Contact Bank Phone# Bank Phone# Bank Account# Account PIN Bank Account# Account PIN Event Info Event Info Web Links Web Links Administration Administration Bank INFORmation RETURN ADDRESS Formatted Return Address Formatted Return Address "Include the following information: "Include the following information: Clear Options ?A Web LinksB Event VenueD Event DateH LocationJ Phone Event Venueh Event Datej Locationk Phone Reunion Type Event Time Event Time Thomas Bros Guide Thomas Bros Guide Reunion Type Couple Fee Couple Fee Institution or Family Name Class Of Year Number Class Of Days Remaining Days Remaining Import Event Graphic Import Event Graphic Single Fee Single Fee Year Number Admin Admin UGraphic should be approximately 1.5 inches TIF, EPS, BMP or PIC 150-300 dots per inch Event Info Event Info Institution or Family Name Web Links Web Links Web Links [LRG]B Web AddressF Resource NameJ PrintingK PrintingL HomeM HomeP Event InfoQ Event InfoT AdminU AdminV List ViewW List ViewX QuitY QuitZ Directory[ Directoryb Web Addressd Resource Namee Importo Importp Exportq Exportr Removes Removet Add Linku Add Linkv Web Linksw Web Links JethroB BodineD SingleG 115898 Crestview DriveI Beverly HillsJ 90210L 5555556671O Double Nought SpyT Mr. Jethro Bodineb Jed Clampette Dinneru 1vmHot dog! I can't wait to see y'all at this here reunion. I bet they're fixin' to have some good vittles, too.w Bodinex Pendingy Bodine| R7115898 Crestview Drive , Beverly Hills CA 90210 USA 9/3/98 4/15/99 MarshaB BradyD Ms.F SeparatedG 3922 De LongpreH Apartment 309I NorthridgeJ 90183L 5555557246O TeacherT Vs5/9/97: Talked to sister, Jan. She said Marsha has been looking forward to the reunion. 2/15/99: First Letter Sent.Z Ms. Marsha Bradyd Social Dinneru Music, dance, shopping.w Bradyx Confirmedy Bradyz R:3922 De Longpre Apartment 309, Northridge CA 90183 USA 7/5/97 4/15/99 WallyB CleaverD MarriedG 34 Elmwood CourtI MayfieldJ 89674L 5555557898 Web AddressF Resource NameJ PrintingK PrintingL HomeM HomeP Event InfoQ Event InfoT AdminU AdminV List ViewW List ViewX QuitY QuitZ Directory[ Directory\ Web Links] Web Links^ Add Link_ Add Link` Removea Removeb Web Addressd Resource Namee Exportg Exportj Importk Import bodine brady cleaver crump taylor haskell krebbs richards jethro bodine marsha brady wally cleaver helen crump taylor barney eddie haskell maynard krebbs richards High School CoachP JudyQ June (10)T Mr. Wally Cleavere Dinneru Gardening, bowling.w Cleaverx Confirmedy Cleaver| Married Partial Payment R,34 Elmwood Court , Mayfield IL 89674 USA 7/5/97 4/15/99 HelenB TaylorC CrumpD Mrs.F MarriedG 1225 Mount Pilot RoadI MayberryJ 78975L 5555556978O School TeacherP AndyQ Opie (7)T VZ4/12/97: Stopped teaching a few years back. Pretty much stays at home raising little Opie.Z Mrs. Helen Crump (Taylor)b Floyd Lawsone Dinner Socialu 1vCBaking, sewing. Andy and I are excited about seeing everyone again.w Crump (Taylor)x Pendingy (Crump) Taylor| 1987} Married 30 Years R11225 Mount Pilot Road , Mayberry NC 78975 USA 7/5/97 4/15/99 BarneyB FifeD MarriedG 1225 Mendlebright LaneI MayberryJ 78976N fife@super.comO Deputy SheriffP Thelma LouT V)8/3/97: Recently moved back from Raleigh.Z Mr. Barney Fifeb Andy Taylord Social Dinner Picnicu 2vvCan't wait to see Otis Campbell and the rest of the gang. Thel & I have been looking forward to this moment for years.w Fifex Confirmedy Fife| 1987} Married 25 Years Partial Payment R21225 Mendlebright Lane , Mayberry NC 78976 USA 5555559348 7/5/97 4/15/99 EddieB HaskellD SingleG 1219 Maple DriveI SpringfieldJ 89674L 5555556384N ehaskell@beaver.comO ContractorT Mr. Eddie Haskellb Lumpy Rutherforde Picnic Dinneru 1v'Monster truck races. The Beave is back!w Haskellx Respondedy Haskell| R/1219 Maple Drive , Springfield IL 89674 USA 7/5/97 4/15/99 MaynardB KrebbsD MarriedG 2342 Mockingbird LaneI SpringfieldJ 33861-5387L 5555557595N maynard5197@pseudonm.comO Investment BankerP DebbieQ$Johnny (12), Julie (8), Mortimer (2)T Mr. Maynard Krebbs Dobie Gillise Picnic Socialu 2v0Poetry, playing bongo drums, dig music like wow!w Krebbsx Pendingy Krebbs| 1987} Married 21 Years Unpaid R92342 Mockingbird Lane , Springfield IL 33861-5387 USA 5555550653 7/5/97 4/15/99 MaryB RichardsD SingleG 2326 Central AvenueH Apartment 1206I MinneapolisJ 44862M 5555553194O News ProducerT VW4/23/97: Mary seems very busy and still single. Sun, 2/21/99 @ 2:16 PM - Materials SentZ Ms. Mary Richardsb Lou Grante Social Dinneru Flower arranging, dancing.w Richardsx Confirmedy Richardsz R@2326 Central Avenue Apartment 1206, Minneapolis MN 44862 USA 5555556358 7/5/97 4/15/99 Update File About.... EDIT MODE @..................................................OPENING SCRIPT Opening Script Set Defaults Proceed Startup Layout New Record Delete Record New Link Remove Link A..................................................FINDING RECORDS General Find Find All & Sort Find Marked Find Confirmed Find Email Addresses Delete Records Begin Search No Records Warning , Mark List UnMark List 0@.........................................................SORTING Sort Alphabetically Sort by Marked Status Sort by Name/Maiden Sort by Primary Phone Sort by Address Sort by City Sort by State Sort by Zip Code Sort by Attendance Sort by Amount Received FA..........................................................DIALING Dial Hm Phone Dial Wk Phone L Dial Bank Dial Venue Dial Vendor R@......................................................NAVIGATION B DeveloperD EditF Helvetica Geneva B Helvetica Bold Times Tekton Plus Regular Arial Monaco Chicago Times New Roman Arial MT Condensed Light Palatino Comic Sans MS Caslon Open Face Arial Black Espy Serif GoTo SplashScreen GoTo Preferences X GoTo Home GoTo Directory GoTo Main List GoTo Administration GoTo Web Links GoTo Event Info GoTo Budget GoTo Print Central GoTo Labels GoTo Badges GoTo Letter Options GoTo List Options GoTo Select Booklet GoTo Found List GoTo Notes GoTo Find Date GoTo Exit Screen GoTo Import/Export GoTo Order Form GoTo Registration GoTo Committee URL GoToLink Maximize Window Go Back >................................................... PAGE SETUP Page Setup Default Setup Display Envelope Setup Print Display Help Lists & Labels Page Setup Warning List Page Setup Print Record Print Records Print Error Check ?.......................................................PRINTING Print Budget Print Photo Booklet Print Addressbook Print The List Edit Selected Letter Print Letters Print Questionaire Print Envelopes Select 5160 Select 5163 Select 5164 Select Badges Print Labels Print Notes <..................................................SET FIELDS Select Primary Phone Set Page Setup Set Print Display Set First Letter Set Follow Up Letter Set Letter Sent Set Follow Up Letter Sent Set Materials Sent Set Questionnaire Set Main List Set 2 Column Set 3 Column Set Checklist Set Last Modified Date Stamp Notes A....................................................IMPORT/EXPORT Import Event Graphic Import Photo Import [Backup] Export [Upgrade] Import [Upgrade] Export Data File Import Data File Import Follow Up Letter Export Follow Up Letter Export LetterMerge Export EMail Addresses Export File Stats Export Credit Info Export Links Import Links Send E-mail GoTo Web Page Clean Phone Numbers Spell Check Selection Backup Files ?........................................................ ORDERS Set CD Set Floppy Set Password Code Order Password Print Order Form Email Order A.........................................................REGISTER Enter Password Registration Alert Password Notice Avery Info ?...........................................................HELP Launch Help Status Line Help Help Title Help Reunion Type Help Class of Help Year Number Help Event Venue Help Event Location Help Location Phone Help Location Fax Help Event Date Help Event Time Help Days Remaining Help Map Guide Help Single Fee Help Couple Fee Help Committee Name Help Committee Chairperson Help Committee Address Help Committee Phone Help Committee Fax Help Committee Email Help Committee Web Help Committee Bank Name Help Committee Bank Address Help Committee Bank Contact Help Committee Bank Account Help Committee Bank Phone Help Committee Bank PIN Help Booklet Help Address Book Help Return Address Help Return Address Options Help Shopping Cart d?..........................................................INDEX A..........................................................CLOSING Closing Script Dial Hm Phone Dial Venue Cancel There is no venue phone number entered! Cancel Specify Field Use Dialing Preferences Phone Number Field Value Number Sort by Name/Maiden "By Name" By Name Import Photo Cancel There is no home phone number entered! Cancel Specify Field Use Dialing Preferences Phone Number Field Value Number GoTo Print Central ) > 640 A GoTo Home ) > 640 GoTo Directory ) > 640 GoTo Main List GoTo Budget Insert Cancel Cancel Insert a photo into the picture field?D+ ) = 2 ) = 1 Cancel Locate the photo to insert. It can be a TIFF or PICT file.G = 707 = 711 = 712 = 713 Cancel Could not find the necessary Graphic Translator files in your Claris folder! Check to see if they are installed properly.J Insert Clearl Cancel Insert a new photo into the picture field or clear the current photo?M* ) =2 ) = 1 Cancel Locate the photo to insert. It can be a TIFF or PICT file.P = 707 = 711 = 712 = 713 Cancel Could not find the necessary Graphic Translator files in your Claris folder! Check to see if they are installed properly.S Print Budget 640 NoncelO/ P _&HUOHnWould you like to print a copy?C+ ) = 1 Print Envelopes ) > 640 Print Letters g = "Questionnaire" Questionnaire Print Cancel Cancel0 Print envelopes for the selected persons?D* ) =2 3 = "Yes" GoTo SplashScreen ) > 640 Print Photo Booklet 640 Noncel Cancel Would you like to print the current addressbook?C+ ) = 2 Export LetterMerge 640 Print Cancel Cancel0 Print letters for the selected persons?D+ ) = 2 ) = 1 OKHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH CancelHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHPrinting canceled at user's requestG Noncel Do you want to mark the current records as 'Sent'?H+ ) = 1 f = 22 f = 23 Permanently replace the contents of the field Letter Sent in the records of the current found set? Show Balloons "Yes" f = 24 f = 25 Permanently replace the contents of the field Letter Sent in the records of the current found set? Show Balloons "Yes" 1) = " ") & 3) & ", " & )) & " @ " & )) > 12 ))-12 )) = 0 ))) & ":" & )) < 10 "") & )) & " PM" " AM") & " - " & g & " Sent." Sent. Noncel The current records have been updated, and an entry log placed in the 'Notes' field. GoTo Labels Select 5160 Select Badges Select 5164 Select 5163 "A@......................................................NAVIGATION #A?.......................................................PRINTING &AA..........................................................DIALING Edit Selected Letter g = "Questionnaire" Questionnaire ) = 0 Find Set Nondel -There are no records to export! Would you like to find a set of records?C+ ) = 1 Export Cancel -Export the current found set for use in a mail merge document?E+ ) = 1 Cancel -An merge file named "Reunion.MER" has been placed in your Export folder. Spell Check Selection Sort by Address "By Address" By Address ,A@.........................................................SORTING Find Marked ) = 1 Find Confirmed x Confirmed GoTo Found List Dial Wk Phone Sorry Cancel The questionnaire cannot be edited! No Records Warning ) = 0 Try Again?? New Record Cancel )g|Sorry, could not find anyone matching these requests!C+ ) = 1 ) = 2 ) = 3 Find All & Sort UnMark List Cancel gX SJh S-HThere is no work phone number entered! Cancel Specify Field Use Dialing Preferences Phone Number Field Value Number ;A Mark List Noncel Do you really want to mark all the persons in the current list?B+ ) = 1 "Yes" GoTo List Options Set 2 Column "2 Column" 2 ColumnB Set 3 Column Noncel Do you really want to unmark the persons in this list? C+ ) = 2 N^ _\ON Set Checklist "Checklist" ChecklistB Set Main List "Main List" Main ListB BA>................................................... PAGE SETUP Print The List Y = 12 640 Print Cancel 1 gDS@g Print the current list? "3 Column" 3 ColumnB GoTo Letter Options # = "A4 European" g = "First Letter" A4 European First Letter ) = 2 Set First Letter # = "A4 European" A4 European "First Letter" First Letter Set Follow Up Letter # = "A4 European" A4 European "Follow Up Letter" Follow Up Letter GoTo Import/Export ) > 640 Sort by Zip Code "By Zip Code" By Zip Code Set Last Modified "A4 European" g = "First Letter" A4 European First Letter # = "A4 European" g = "Follow Up Letter" A4 European Follow Up Letter "A4 European" g = "Follow Up Letter" A4 European Follow Up Letter "A4 European" g = "Questionnaire" A4 European Questionnaire # = "A4 European" g = "Questionnaire" A4 European Questionnaire # = "A4 European" A4 European Set Media Cancel Make sure the media type is set to "A4 European" Portrait. Begin Search Single ) = 400 Cancelain?d Try Again?d Cancel Sorry, you must enter find criteria!C+ ) = 2 ) = 1 ) > 1 General Find ) > 640 Dial Vendor "Budget Item Vendor Phone" Budget Item Vendor Phone OKntinue Cancel Please select a vendor phone number.C Cancel There is no phone number for this vendor! Set Defaults Cancel Specify Field Phone Number Field Value Number Use Dialing Preferences ) = 1 Cancel with th information currently in use C`Are you sure you wish to quit?C Cancel with th information currently in use C`Are you sure you wish to exit?D+ ) = 1 Export Data File ) = 1 "Macintosh" MacintoshD+ ) = 2 "Windows" WindowsF! "USA" USAHe "Runtime") RuntimeG 333332I! ) WK! "None" NoneM "###-###-####" ###-###-####P "College" CollegeS! "Home" HomeU! "US Letter 8.5 x 11" US Letter 8.5 x 11W! "US Postal" US PostalY! "Yes" Yes[! "Yes" Yes]! "US No. 10 Envelope" US No. 10 Envelope_! "None" Nonea! "Automatic" Automaticc! "Phone Numbers" Phone Numberse "Demo" Import Data File ") = 1 "W Import Cancel Select a Tab-Separated text file to import.C+ ) = 1 ) = 1 OKport Cancel Import canceled at user's request.F Yesykkokga6 dgljW 575(DWo Noncelvopusrijjktqs|zwq 11&"1-$ '#%*.$20-9A 640 GoTo Order Form Date Stamp Notes 1) = " ") & 3) & ", " & )) & " @ " & )) > 12 ))-12 )) = 0 ))) & ":" & )) < 10 "") & )) & " PM" " AM") & " -" Opening Script Register Now Not Yetr This demo has not been registered. You will be limited to a maximum of 10 entries! Would you like to register now?C+ ) = 1 ) = 0 "RP27653" RP27653 "Mr." "John" JohnG "Doe" "1949" 1949I4 "123 Main Street" 123 Main StreetJ$ "Anytown" AnytownK "12345-6789" 12345-6789M "USA" USAN* "5551234567" 5551234567O* "5551234569" 5551234569P* "5551235678" 5551235678Q* "Accountant" AccountantR E"I hope to see everybody from the old school. Especially Norma Jean!" CI hope to see everybody from the old school. Especially Norma Jean! OKw Record Setupl Welcome to Reunion Planner! Take a moment to set up the user preferences. GoTo Registration Registration Alert "RP27653" RP27653 Register Proceed This demo is limited to a maximum of 10 records. To disable this restriction, you will need to enter a valid unlocking code and register the software. C+ ) = 1 Closing Script Enter Password H = "Demo" "RP27653" RP27653 '"Thank you for trying Reunion Planner!" %Thank you for trying Reunion Planner!H :"To obtain an unlocking code, fill out the order form ..." 8To obtain an unlocking code, fill out the order form ...J ("... and mail it to the address listed." &... and mail it to the address listed.L "Closing File ...." Closing File ....N &"Thank you for using Reunion Planner!" $Thank you for using Reunion Planner!P "Closing File ...." Closing File ....R New Record "RP27653" RP27653 Register Canceler Cancel BgThe demo version is limited to maximum of 10 records. You must enter a valid unlocking code to enter any new names!C+ ) = 1 GoTo Notes Password Notice Cancel DHhThis program contains a password which can only be provided by Minutiae Software. GoTo Administration Continue Try Againsword Order Form To unlock the demo you will need to enter the correct password! To exit, click Continue ....E+ ) = 1 ) = 2 ) = 3 "RP27653" RP27653 Continue Try again? The password is incorrect!J+ ) = 2 ) =1 "Demo" DemoM0 H = "RP27653" RP27653 Homeinue Printnuen? The password is correct! Would you like to print a copy for your records?P+ ) = 1 ) = 2 GoTo Event Info ) > 640 Cancel The data in this layout is used throughout the program, addressbook, lists etc. Please fill in as much information as possible. }A Dial Bank Cancel There is no bank phone number entered! ) > 640 Cancel The data in this layout is used throughout the program, addressbook, lists etc. Please fill in as much information as possible. Backup Files Backup Cancel This places compressed copies of your files in your Exports folder. Use this feature periodically to improve speed or to insure simple peace of mind.B+ ) = 1 "Runtime") ) = 2 RuntimeG Cancel Two safety files, "REUNION Copy" and "LINKS Copy" have been placed in your Exports folder. Select Primary Phone Cancel Specify Field Use Dialing Preferences Phone Number Field Value Number GoTo Find Date A EDIT MODE GoTo Exit Screen ) > 640 Go Back Sort by City "By City" By City Sort by State "By State" By State Sort by Attendance "By Attendance" By Attendance Cancel There are no phone numbers entered!C T = "HM" T = "WK" Sort by Amount Received "By Amount Received" By Amount Received Sort by Primary Phone "By Primary Phone" By Primary Phone Sort by Marked Status "By Marked Status" By Marked Status Order Password AA.........................................................REGISTER A?..........................................................INDEX Status Line Help Set Letter Sent "Yes" "Yes" YO-|? Nonceln _Update entry log in 'Notes' field?D+ ) = 2 g0UO/ Cancel HmThe Status Line shows the current record, current number of records and sort status in the current found set. To perform sort, click on the column header. Set Follow Up Letter Sent "Yes" "Yes" YO-|? Nonceln _Update entry log in 'Notes' field?D+ ) = 2 1) = " ") & 3) & ", " & )) & " @ " & )) > 12 ))-12 )) = 0 ))) & ":" & )) < 10 "") & )) & " PM" " AM") & " - Letter Sent" - Letter Sent YO-|? Nonceln _Update entry log in 'Notes' field?H+ ) = 2 1) = " ") & 3) & ", " & )) & " @ " & )) > 12 ))-12 )) = 0 ))) & ":" & )) < 10 "") & )) & " PM" " AM") & " - Changed Letter Sent to 'No'." - Changed Letter Sent to 'No'. Set Materials Sent "Yes" "Yes" YO-|? Nonceln _Update entry log in 'Notes' field?D+ ) = 2 1) = " ") & 3) & ", " & )) & " @ " & )) > 12 ))-12 )) = 0 ))) & ":" & )) < 10 "") & )) & " PM" " AM") & " - Follow Up Letter Sent" - Follow Up Letter Sent YO-|? Nonceln _Update entry log in 'Notes' field?H+ ) = 2 1) = " ") & 3) & ", " & )) & " @ " & )) > 12 ))-12 )) = 0 ))) & ":" & )) < 10 "") & )) & " PM" " AM") & " - Changed Follow Up Letter Sent to 'No'." * - Changed Follow Up Letter Sent to 'No'. Avery Info CancelcelFtbl YcDB YccolFdoc All Avery label codes are trademarks of the Avery Dennison Corporation. Help Title Cancel Enter the institution, family or group name here. Help Reunion Type Cancel Select the type of reunion from the pull down menu. A?...........................................................HELP 1) = " ") & 3) & ", " & )) & " @ " & )) > 12 ))-12 )) = 0 ))) & ":" & )) < 10 "") & )) & " PM" " AM") & " - Materials Sent" - Materials Sent YO-|? Nonceln _Update entry log in 'Notes' field?H+ ) = 2 1) = " ") & 3) & ", " & )) & " @ " & )) > 12 ))-12 )) = 0 ))) & ":" & )) < 10 "") & )) & " PM" " AM") & " - Changed Materials Sent to 'No'." " - Changed Materials Sent to 'No'. Help Class of Cancel Enter the graduation year here. For multiple years, you may enter a range such as: 1968-1971 Help Year Number Cancel Enter the number of years since the initial event. Example: 10 would be for a 10 year reunion. If the event is held annually, leave the field empty. Help Event Venue Cancel Enter the name of the reunion location, such as Grand Hotel or Riverside Park. Help Event Location Cancel Click on the Field Description for information on that field's contents. Help Location Phone More ... Enter the location phone number including area code. Example: (555) 555-1234 Be sure to set the Dialing and Modem Preferences!B+ ) = 2 More ... The Dialing Preferences are found by going to HOME and selecting Preferences, then click on Application Preferences. Help Location Fax Cancel Enter the location fax number including area code. Example: (555) 555-1234 Help Event Date Cancel Enter the location address, such as 1234 Main Street, Anytown USA. Help Event Time More ... Enter the start time for the event. Time must be entered as 24 hour format. Example: 17:30 would be 5:30 PM Help Days Remaining More ... Shows the number of days remaining. The field cannot be modified. Help Map Guide OKre ... More ... Enter the page and section number of the local Map Guide. Example: Page 567 (C-3)B+ ) = 2 More ... Enter the date of the Reunion event. Date must be entered as month/day/year. Example: 10/5/1999B+ ) = 2 More ... Reunion Planner is 'Year 2000 Compliant'. If you enter 01 it will show as 2001. It is recomended that you enter the complete year for you own reference. Help Single Fee Cancel Enter the price for a single person. You do not need to enter the dollar sign. Help Couple Fee Cancel Enter the price for a couple. You do not need to enter the dollar sign. Help Committee Name Cancel Enter the name of the Reunion Committee or Organization. Help Committee Chairperson Done ... More ... Thomas Bros offers regional maps of the entire United States. Check your local bookstore for the current map of your city. Help Committee Address Cancel Enter the return address of the reunion committee. Street Address City, ST Zip Code Help Committee Phone Cancel Enter the phone number of the reunion committee. Example: (555) 555-1234 Help Committee Fax Cancel Enter the fax number of the reunion committee. Example: (555) 555-1235 Help Committee Email Cancel Enter the name of the reunion committee chairperson Help Committee Web Cancel If your committee has a web site on the internet, enter the URL here. Help Committee Bank Name Cancel If your committee has set up a bank account, enter the bank name here. Help Committee Bank Address Cancel Enter the bank address here. You can have up to 3 lines. Help Committee Bank Contact Cancel If your committee uses an email address, enter it here. Help Committee Bank Account Cancel Enter your bank account number here. Help Committee Bank PIN Cancel Enter your account PIN here. Help Committee Bank Phone Cancel Enter the bank phone number here. Example: (555) 555-2234 GoTo Preferences ) > 640 Print Addressbook Cancel If you have a contact person at the bank, enter their name here. Print Notes Cancel Cancel There are no notes for the current record!C Print Cancel Print notes for the current record?D+ ) = 2 ) = 0 640 Noncel Cancel Would you like to print the current addressbook?C+ ) = 2 ) = 0 OKf33 Cancel 33No Records Found ) = 0 OKf33 Cancel 33No Records Found OKf33 Cancel 33No Records Found ) = 0 OKf33 Cancel 33No Records Found ) = 0 OKf33 Cancel 33No Records Found ) = 0 ) = 0 OKf33 Cancel 33No Records Found ) = 0 OKf33 Cancel 33No Records Found OKf33 Cancel 33No Records Found ) = 0 OKf33 Cancel 33No Records Found ) = 0 OKf33 Cancel 33No Records Found ) = 0 ) = 0 OKf33 Cancel 33No Records Found ) = 0 OKf33 Cancel 33No Records Found OKf33 Cancel 33No Records Found ) = 0 OKf33 Cancel 33No Records Found ) = 0 OKf33 Cancel 33No Records Found ) = 0 ) = 0 OKf33 Cancel 33No Records Found ) = 0 OKf33 Cancel 33No Records Found OKf33 Cancel 33No Records Found ) = 0 OKf33 Cancel 33No Records Found ) = 0 OKf33 Cancel 33No Records Found ) = 0 ) = 0 OKf33 Cancel 33No Records Found ) = 0 OKf33 Cancel 33No Records Found OKf33 Cancel 33No Records Found ) = 0 OKf33 Cancel 33No Records Found ) = 0 OKf33 Cancel 33No Records Found ) = 0 AA..........................................................CLOSING Help Booklet Cancel Select this layout if you have photographs. Help Address Book Cancel Select this layout if you do not have photographs. GoTo Web Page )) < 4 OKf33 Cancel 33No Records Found Import Event Graphic Insert Cancel Cancel Import a graphic into the event graphic field? Cancel Enter the person's URL address here.CD Cancel Before you go to the Web Page, you must enter the person's URL address! GoTo Badges A<..................................................SET FIELDS GoTo Select Booklet Export File Stats Cancel Export the current file information to a Tab Separated text file?B+ ) = 1 ) = 2 ) = 1 Cancel Locate the graphic to insert. It can be a TIFF, PICT or EPS.G = 707 = 711 = 712 = 713 Cancel Could not find the necessary Graphic Translator files in your Claris folder! Check to see if they are installed properly.J Insert Clearl Cancel Insert a new graphic into the event graphic field or clear the current graphic?M* ) =2 ) = 1 Cancel Locate the graphic to import. It can be a TIFF, PICT or EPS.P = 707 = 711 = 712 = 713 Cancel Could not find the necessary Graphic Translator files in your Claris folder! Check to see if they are installed properly.S Print Labels 640 Print Cancel'Hn |Would you like to print the labels?C+ ) = 2 Help Lists & Labels Page Setup 2 = "No" "Yes" Cancel A Tab Separated text file named 'RP_Info.DOC' has been placed in your Exports folder. You can open it in any word processing program such as MS Word or Word Perfect. Warning List Page Setup Cancel Lists, labels and booklets all require that the Page Setup be set to "US Letter 8.5 x 11". Click the Set button to confirm. Startup Layout 4 = "Home" 4 = "Directory" Directory 4 = "Administration" Administration 4 = "Event Info" Event Info 4 = "Main List" Main List Print Records Yes*n Noncel ADo you want to display the Page Setup dialog box before you begin printing?D+ ) = 1 "Yes" YesF+ ) = 2 3 = "Yes" Print Record 3 = "Yes" 3 = "No" Set Page Setup Set Print Display 3 = "No" "Yes" YesC) 3 = "Yes" Export Follow Up Letter Save As Cancel Save the current letter as a Tab Separated file to your Letters folder. Use a brief descriptive name.B+ ) = 1 2 = "No" "Yes" YesC) 2 = "Yes" Setup Cancel Make sure that your print media is set to "US Letter 8.5 x 11" Portrait. Open Page Setup now?F+ ) = 2 Import Follow Up Letter Cancel Locate a previously saved letter file from your Letters folder. Select "Tab Separated" as the file type. If there are no saved letters, click Cancel.B+ ) = 1 = 1 Cancel Import cancelled at user's request. = 1 Set Default Cancel Export cancelled at user's request.F Cancel Letter file sucessfully exported.G Delete Record Delete Cancel Permanently delete the current record? This action can not be undone!B+ ) = 1 ) = 0 Page Setup Default Print Display 3 = "Yes" Setup Display Cancel The selected Reunion Planner follow up letter has been imported.G Print Error Check = 1 Cancel Print job cancelled at user's request.C+ = 600 Cancel A printing error has occured!E Print Questionaire 2 = "Yes" Cancel Make sure that your print media is set to "US Letter 8.5 x 11" Portrait. Set Questionnaire "Questionnaire" QuestionnaireB9 # = "A4 European" A4 European Send E-mail )) < 4 ) = 0 Cancel There are currently no records present!C- 640 Noncel Would you like to print the questionnaire?E+ ) = 1 ) = 1 Noncel Print job cancelled at user's request. Envelope Setup $ = "US No. 10 Envelope" US No. 10 Envelope Cancel Make sure that your print media is set to US No. 10 Envelope.C9 $ = "DL Envelope" DL Envelope Cancel Make sure that your print media is set to DL Envelope. Clean Phone Numbers Cancel Enter the person's email address here.C Cancel There is no email address entered!E Noncel Send an e-mail to this person?F+ ) = 2 Noncel After sending e-mail, would you like to update the entry log in the notes?H+ ) = 1 1) = " ") & 3) & ", " & )) & " @ " & )) > 12 ))-12 )) = 0 ))) & ":" & )) < 10 "") & )) & " PM" " AM") & " - Sent Email" - Sent Email Reunionject Regarding the upcoming reunion: Sort Alphabetically "By Name" By Name Help Return Address Cancel This information is used as the return address in correspondence, labels and envelopes. Select from the options listed below for adding additional fields. Help Return Address Options Cancel If you wish to include the following options listed below, click the checkbox. Export Credit Info Current Cancel Remove all non-numeric characters from the phone fields, such as "( )", " - ", etc.? This procedure cannot be undone.B+ ) = 3 ) = 1 Initial valu 0Increment by Initial valu 0Increment by Initial valu 0Increment by Initial valu 0Increment by Initial valu 0Increment by Initial valu 0Increment by Initial valu 0Increment by Initial valu 0Increment by Initial valu 0Increment by Initial valu 0Increment by Initial valu 0Increment by Initial valu 0Increment by Initial valu 0Increment by Initial valu 0Increment by Initial valu 0Increment by Cancel The phone fields have been cleaned up. Email Order Cancel Export the credit information to a Tab Separated text file?B+ ) = 1 Cancel A Tab Separated text file named 'Credit_Info.DOC' has been placed in your Exports folder. You can open it in any word processing program such as MS Word or Word Perfect. Print Order Form )) < 4 SorryBrdDrv Patches Sleep68K CancelleepPPC Patches Sorry, this feature requires that you are using FileMaker Pro version 4.0 or greater. You may still print the order form and mail or fax it to the address listed.Cl K = "Personal Check" K = "Money Order" Personal Check Money Order BrdDrv Patches Sleep68K CancelleepPPC Patches Sorry, you may only email credit card orders.E BrdDrv Patches Sleep68K CancelleepPPC Patches Please enter your First Name.G BrdDrv Patches Sleep68K CancelleepPPC Patches Please enter your Last Name.I BrdDrv Patches Sleep68K CancelleepPPC Patches Please enter your street address.K BrdDrv Patches Sleep68K CancelleepPPC Patches Please enter your City.M BrdDrv Patches Sleep68K CancelleepPPC Patches Please enter your State or Province.O BrdDrv Patches Sleep68K CancelleepPPC Patches Please enter your Postal Zip Code.Q! BrdDrv Patches Sleep68K CancelleepPPC Patches Please select your country of residence. If it is not in the list you may enter it manually.S BrdDrv Patches Sleep68K CancelleepPPC Patches Please enter a phone number where you can be reached.U BrdDrv Patches Sleep68K CancelleepPPC Patches Please enter your email address.W! BrdDrv Patches Sleep68K CancelleepPPC Patches Please select the method of payment.Y! BrdDrv Patches Sleep68K CancelleepPPC Patches Please enter a Credit Card number. Do not include spaces.[! BrdDrv Patches Sleep68K CancelleepPPC Patches Please select the Expiration Month for your credit card.]! BrdDrv Patches Sleep68K CancelleepPPC Patches Please enter the 4 digit Expiration Year for your credit card._7 BrdDrv Patches Sleep68K CancelleepPPC Patches Please select the Items you wish to order.a! Select Onev Patches Sleep68K CancelleepPPC Patches Where did you learn about Reunion Planner?c EmailBrdDrv Patches Sleep68K PrintlleepPPC Patches Cancel At this time, you must be using Eudora or Claris Emailer. You may also print the out form and mail or fax it.e+ ) = 3 ) = 2 ) = 1 ContinueDrv Patches Sleep68K CancelleepPPC Patches Please note that email may be intercepted during transmission! If you are insecure about sending the order via email, you can fax or mail the order.i+ ) = 1 Reunion Planner Order Set CD "CD ROM" CD ROM Set Floppy "Floppy Disks" Floppy Disks Set Password Code Help Shopping Cart Cancel Click the ICON for Password Only, CD ROM or Floppy Disks. The totals will be calculated automatically. A@..................................................OPENING SCRIPT GoTo Committee URL BrdDrv Patches Sleep68K CancelleepPPC Patches Please enter your First Name.C BrdDrv Patches Sleep68K CancelleepPPC Patches Please enter your Last Name.E BrdDrv Patches Sleep68K CancelleepPPC Patches Please enter your street address.G BrdDrv Patches Sleep68K CancelleepPPC Patches Please enter your City.I BrdDrv Patches Sleep68K CancelleepPPC Patches Please enter your State.K BrdDrv Patches Sleep68K CancelleepPPC Patches Please enter your Postal Zip Code.M! BrdDrv Patches Sleep68K CancelleepPPC Patches Please select your country of residence. If it is not in the list you may enter it manually.O BrdDrv Patches Sleep68K CancelleepPPC Patches Please enter a phone number where you can be reached.Q! BrdDrv Patches Sleep68K CancelleepPPC Patches Please select a Payment Method before printing.S K = "VISA" K = "MasterCard" K = "Discover" K = "AMEX") MasterCard Discover BrdDrv Patches Sleep68K CancelleepPPC Patches Please enter a Credit Card number. Do not include spaces.U "Personal Check" "Money Order") Personal Check Money Order BrdDrv Patches Sleep68K CancelleepPPC Patches Please enter an Expiration Date for your credit card.W6 BrdDrv Patches Sleep68K CancelleepPPC Patches Please select the Items you wish to order.Y! Select Onev Patches Sleep68K CancelleepPPC Patches Where did you learn about Reunion Planner?[ BrdDrv Patches Sleep68K CancelleepPPC Patches Would you like to Print the order form?]+ ) = 1 ) = 1 OKntinueDrv Patches Sleep68K CancelleepPPC Patches Print job canceled at user's request. GoToLink )) < 4 Sorry Cancel You must be using version 4.0 to use this feature.C' Cancel 1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1There is no URL entered! 3flflflflfl New Link )) < 4 Cancel Enter the reunion URL address here.CD Cancel Before you go to the Web Page, you must enter the person's URL address! Remove Link ) = "Description" ) = "URL" Description Cancel Click the name of the Web Resource that you want to delete, then click on the Remove button. GoTo Web Links ) > 640 Export Links Export [Upgrade] Yesort Noncel Export your data to Upgrade files?B+ ) = 1 OKport Cancel Two files named "Upgrade Data" and "Links Data" have been placed in your current Exports folder. Move them to the new version's Exports folder then launch the new version and perform an upgrade. Cancel Do you want to export your Web Resources links to a TAB SEPARATED text file?B+ ) = 1 Import [Upgrade] Yestinue Noncel zwrolkklkf`\WVQIBGKEIQNNSZZWPONDo you want to upgrade from a previous version of Reunion Planner?B+ ) = 2 Proceede Cancel zwrolkklkf`\WVQIBGKEIQNNSZZWPONThe files: "Upgrade Data" and "Links Data" must be in the Exports folder of this version before upgrading! Launch Help Launch,> Cancel` 0Launch the User Guide? Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader!B+ ) = 1 ) = 1 aevtodoc ) = 2 aevtodoc ) = 2 = 100 OKcate Cancel You must place the "Upgrade Data" file in the Exports folder before you can upgrade.H OKcate Cancel Your data has been restored from the Back Up file. OKcate Cancel Your data has been sucessfully imported into the new version. Check your data before you delete your old files! If you have photos or saved letters, you should also replace the folders with the old ones. Import [Backup] = 100 ) = 2 OKunch,> Cancel` 0The User Guide could not be found! Check to see if a file named RP_GUIDE is located in the Reunion Planner folder.M+ ) = 2 Import Links Locatem Cancel Locate a Tab-Separated file containing the URL's and descriptions. If no file exists, click Cancel.B+ ) = 1 Update File Maximize Window ,RPTH FPTHA,Head Pooch:Desktop Folder:Reunion Merge File MSPCA NAMEA Reunion Merge File RPTHA ::Reunion Merge File DDDDDD ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" UUUUUU wwwwww (*)(%,3& )%+@6) ",30,)% #*>A6332+$"! 25,878 #&$690*" !)0,++)( "%/66435/'# +3;4*= !#,@9,)+,(""(-/,,* !$&(265389,#!$$ '275? " $$*23/$ $),-..)'' !$&)(-5439@1!!&*-3/)!!%6B) )220(!$*.,,.' !$&*,*023:?B+*.,/3254.' 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